Expand your ScoreB system with custom plugins
The ScoreB ecosystem is based on plugins for its core functionality. ScoreB supports two (2) different open source / open standards methods for client to server connection. Method 1 - Custom pluginsAs a third party vendor or penetration tester, you may need to use your own security tools and scripts for your daily tasks but still want to use the ScoreB Cloud Servers for analysis and reporting. Q. How to do that ? A. We, at CyberX created an open source plugin as an 'example template', that shows exactly how our plugins are written. This 'example template' is a fully functional plugin that has every details like example code and core engine controls functions.
Q. Where to find ? A. The 'example plugin' is under /usr/share/scoreb/plugins/ . All your custom plugins should be placed under this directory.
Q. What programming languages supported ? A. Actually, no restrictions apply. You may write plugins in C++, python, bash ,perl or any other language you wish. The only requirement is that your plugin should be executable (chmod +x myplugin) and able to run with the ./ .ie #./myplugin Method 2 - APIDirect connection to our API . This method is using a direct connection to our API over https and is fully independent from our Scoreb_client. Information about the required parameters can be found in the 'example template' (method 1) $curl -m 30 -k -s --retry 3 --retry-max-time 4 --connect-timeout 15 \
-d "apikey=$APIKEY" \
-d "logtype=$LOGTYPE" \
-d "hostip=$HOSTIP" \
-d "parameter=$PARAMETER" \
-d "value=$VALUE" \
-d "application=$APPLICATION" \
-d "category=$CATEGORY" \
-d "description=$DESCRIPTION" \
-d "solution=$SOLUTION" \
-d "severity=$SEVERITY" \
-d "information=$INFORMATION" \
-d "cve=$CVE" \
-d "score=$SCORE" \
-d "port=$PORT" \
$SCOREB_SERVER/rlogger.php >/dev/null
Expand your ScoreB system with custom plugins
The ScoreB ecosystem is based on plugins for its core functionality. ScoreB supports two (2) different open source / open standards methods for client to server connection. Method 1 - Custom pluginsAs a third party vendor or penetration tester, you may need to use your own security tools and scripts for your daily tasks but still want to use the ScoreB Cloud Servers for analysis and reporting. Q. How to do that ? A. We, at CyberX created an open source plugin as an 'example template', that shows exactly how our plugins are written. This 'example template' is a fully functional plugin that has every details like example code and core engine controls functions.
Q. Where to find ? A. The 'example plugin' is under /usr/share/scoreb/plugins/ . All your custom plugins should be placed under this directory.
Q. What programming languages supported ? A. Actually, no restrictions apply. You may write plugins in C++, python, bash ,perl or any other language you wish. The only requirement is that your plugin should be executable (chmod +x myplugin) and able to run with the ./ .ie #./myplugin Method 2 - APIDirect connection to our API . This method is using a direct connection to our API over https and is fully independent from our Scoreb_client. Information about the required parameters can be found in the 'example template' (method 1) $curl -m 30 -k -s --retry 3 --retry-max-time 4 --connect-timeout 15 \
-d "apikey=$APIKEY" \
-d "logtype=$LOGTYPE" \
-d "hostip=$HOSTIP" \
-d "parameter=$PARAMETER" \
-d "value=$VALUE" \
-d "application=$APPLICATION" \
-d "category=$CATEGORY" \
-d "description=$DESCRIPTION" \
-d "solution=$SOLUTION" \
-d "severity=$SEVERITY" \
-d "information=$INFORMATION" \
-d "cve=$CVE" \
-d "score=$SCORE" \
-d "port=$PORT" \
$SCOREB_SERVER/rlogger.php >/dev/null